Uakraine – from first hand 21.08.2022

Re: Congratulations
от: дата: 21.08.2022 11:53
до: rosica nikiforova (

Dear Rosi

Thank you for your care about us and Ukraine. We (my husband Vladimir, our dog Molly and I) are safe in Ljubljana.

We also follow events in Ukraine by all massagers including Kharkiv charts 24/7. I never have read so much like now because every news is closely connected with our survival. Sometimes getting information about bombing we try to understand by ruins what or whose house it was. Natasha Turlakova house was completely ruined as houses of many of our colleagues who lived in Saltovka district or other districts that are close to the russian border. My house in the center of the city also was bombed. Buildings of our Kharkiv University of Civil Engineering and Architecture were ruined. Our beautiful multimedia classes and equipment that we developed during our EU projects were completely burnt. The buildings of nearly all Kharkiv universities suffered from bombing. It looks like putin decided to wipe Kharkiv off the face of the earth, to ruin the intellectual, educational, cultural and moral bases of Kharkiv, to destroy us physically or deprive us of the meaning of existence and faith in justice.

But he did not consider our mentality. We are free and independent in our hearts, that makes our will stronger than our common sense. At the same time our belief and faith in goodness and justice have not disappeared. The respect for the right to choose remained. We have lost our old naive belief to russian noble soul and with great pain and disappointment we are losing faith in those whom for many years we considered incapable of dirtiness, inhuman cruelty and unreasonable hatred towards us.

We do not give up and try to help Kharkiv and Ukraine as we can. We participate in different events devoted to support of Ukraine, organized auction, are developing ERASMUS+ and HORIZON projects aimed at after war/disaster recovery and development within NEB coordinates, help to Ukrainian colleagues (we have here Kharkiv students, PhD and professors whom Ljubljana University organized mobility funds). So life is very active and it helps us to survive these very tragic and hard times. We are grateful to Tadej Glasar, our Ljubljana colleagues, you and all our EU partners that proved real sustainability of our projects that has first of all human scale.

Best regards to you and all our Bulgarian colleagues whom we remember with warmth and gratitude
With love from Ljubljana

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